Duncan McNab

Up to 80 gay men were murdered along Sydney’s beaches during the 70s, 80s & 90s, with their cases remaining unsolved or excused as suicides.

Duncan McNab’s award-winning ‘Getting Away With Murder’ digs into the stunningly dark history of a homophobic NSW Police Force & the numerous cases of poor judgement, lost evidence & miscarriages of justice committed at a peak of anti-gay violence in the harbour city.

In conversation we discuss the riot of the first Sydney Mardis Gras; the ‘brotherhood’ of a NSW police culture ruled by corruption and homophobia; the youth gangs hunting gay men and hurling them from cliff faces; and the deplorable mishandling of case files and evidence that led to excuses, instead of convictions.

Duncan is a former police officer, journalist and the author of 10 non-fiction true-crime tomes to date.

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