In his book The Lebs, Mohammed reinterprets events from his own life growing up during the peak of anti-muslim rhetoric. His work capturing the racism, anger & struggles confronting young Australians of migrant heritage who found power in the scaring of the white middle class.
In conversation we discuss the influence of Malcolm X, the cultural significance of a Big Mac, and how boxers and writers need to remain focused, even when they’ve taken too many laxatives.
Mohammed is an author, academic, playwright, activist and the director of Sweatshop, a literary movement devoted to empowering marginalised communities in Western Sydney.
Follow Mohammed and the team at Sweatshop on Twitter: @sweatshopws
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iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/conversations-with-writers/id1223836262?mt=2&i=1000415863659
Stitcher radio: https://www.stitcher.com/s?eid=55334360&autoplay=1&refid=asi_twtr
Whooshkaa online: https://player.whooshkaa.com/shows/conversations-with-writers