Jay Kristoff’s science fiction and fantasy works have consistently topped the New York Times Bestseller lists.
The Australia-based author often using the speculative fiction genres to address real world issues of slavery, race, class divide and political injustice within stories featuring space, dragons and cyborgs.
Jay’s latest series is LIFELIKE, a fast-paced action tale set in a post-apocalyptic world, questioning the ethics of giving life to robots without providing the freedom of choice.
In conversation we discuss the responsibility of building worlds; the value of sensitivity readers; how not to swear; and the power of science fiction to call for social change.
Jay is the author of the Lotus War series, Nevernight series and co-author of the phenomenally successful Illuminae series with Amie Kaufman. Lifelike is the first in a new YA Sci-Fi trilogy.
Jay can be found on twitter @misterkristoff
Listen via:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/conversations-with-writers/id1223836262?mt=2&i=1000415015936
Stitcher Radio: https://www.stitcher.com/s?eid=55146422&autoplay=1&refid=asi_twtr
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